Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A tale of two reporters

It’s no secret that if Anchorman and I got into the Channel 7 Christmas party I would spend my time chatting up Anne Allred and Nicole Oliverio. Anchorman would feed Victoria Warren a river Captain and Cokes until security was called. Anchorman and I have had the Oliverio/Warren debate almost every time we are killing time at the Anchored2tv penthouse.

In watching both reporters cover the horribly tragic story of the NH boy killed on Halloween night by a falling tree limb I realized I must give some ground - I've come to realization that Victoria Warren is the better reporter. She delivers the emotionally crushing story with the right "everything is going to be alright" voice you need during such a sad life moment. She gives you a hug through the TV, holding you close and rocking you back and forth. She says "Shhhhh I'm here for you."  Nicole, ah, not so much. She delivers the story in her usual emotionless way. No comfort, no hugs.  Just the facts.

It is true that I have a long history of choosing the wrong women, and it seems to be true here as well. So I would like to officially say that Yes Anchorman you are right. Victoria is the better reporter and she looks great in the New England autumn. Perhaps the Channel 7 Christmas party may find Victoria surrounded by the two of us and a sea for Captain and cokes. At least I'll always have Anne.

And off topic: Yes Anchorman, Tonya (real world/road rules) is totally crazy. Charles Manson watches her andy says "Damn that chick's nuts." Much like Manny, her days were always numbered. You can't keep a rabid animal in your garage forever. Eventually it will escape or eat your face off. Everyone knew this on her first day of shooting and you should have known this too.


Anonymous said...

Vicky is the better reporter but if I had to choose one, I'd rather party with Nicole. Of course, Victoria would be a fine selection as well, but given the choice, I'd lean towards Ms. Oliverio.

Anonymous said...

I would like to pleasure both of them while Frances Rivera spanked me with a large paddle.

which wu?

Anchor Slang

Danger Cooper- Steve Cooper WHDH Channel 7

Nana Cook- Alice Cook WBZ Channel 4

Cupcake - Nicole Oliverio WHDH Channel 7

fine filipino - frances rivera

foxy franchise - maria stephanos

the girl with the curious hand - gail huff

the golden girls - the anchors at newscenter5 (ed harding included)

the missing moustache - dan hausle

to "ridley" the script - to roll up one's script into a tube and make a jerking off motion with it.

Team Blond- Anne Allread and Dylan Dryer

the third banana - mike dowling

wrong way randy - randy price

young skywalker - heather unruh