Tuesday, November 3, 2009

quick takes: fox25 - 11/03/2009 - 71 points

diana rocco - story on attempted car jacking in boston by homeless guy.  the victim and (eventually) the valets fight back.  diana is looking pretty tonight and has a tough ergas air about her.  (10 points) 

shirley chan - story on another green line groper.  he allegedly grabbed the ass of a teenager and then allegedly admitted this to the victim.  man, it seems like the perverts are on the loose this week.  shirley chan looks all good in her smart, shapely red blazer.  she's one to watch. (15 points)

fox 25 has the fox national guys relishing the republican victories in tonight's mid terms.  (0 fair and balanced points) 

rhode island closes the loophole legalizing indoor prostitution. do they go after haven bros next?  where's buddy cianci when you need him? (-10 points)

maria stephanos - the foxy franchise repeatedly says "prostitution".  (15 points)

sharman sacchetti - oh look, i think cruella deville has a story on tufts cracking $50k/year.   (-101 points)

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which wu?

Anchor Slang

Danger Cooper- Steve Cooper WHDH Channel 7

Nana Cook- Alice Cook WBZ Channel 4

Cupcake - Nicole Oliverio WHDH Channel 7

fine filipino - frances rivera

foxy franchise - maria stephanos

the girl with the curious hand - gail huff

the golden girls - the anchors at newscenter5 (ed harding included)

the missing moustache - dan hausle

to "ridley" the script - to roll up one's script into a tube and make a jerking off motion with it.

Team Blond- Anne Allread and Dylan Dryer

the third banana - mike dowling

wrong way randy - randy price

young skywalker - heather unruh