Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pray for Mojo

Evidently WBZ Channel 4 has given Jonathan Elias a new exciting segment designed pull in those important 65-85 year old lady and little girl babysitter demographics. Its called One Last Thing and airs each day just before the close of the 5:30 evening  report. In this segment Jonathan gets to relay an heartfelt emotional editorial to the audience about how to be good to each other and love everything like unicorns and rainbows. Today he talked about how scientific proof shows that being thankful can be good for your health. You live a longer happier life if you give thanks more than once a year. I'm thankful I don't believe bullshit like this. I'm sorry but, this emotional moment of "news" makes me feel like I'm on a first date and before the salad gets there she's telling me all about all the kids she wants to have and how her last boyfriend f-ed her over.

Jonathan, do you really write these or is there a team of little girls who do so for you? I believe the Simpson's called it "Bart's People" in the one where Homer gets Mojo, the helper monkey. It was a joke then and its a joke now. I bet your daughter and her friends are happy.

1 comment:

Jonathan Elias said...

Actually my daughter and my wife are happy....my son not so much, he kind of agrees with you.

which wu?

Anchor Slang

Danger Cooper- Steve Cooper WHDH Channel 7

Nana Cook- Alice Cook WBZ Channel 4

Cupcake - Nicole Oliverio WHDH Channel 7

fine filipino - frances rivera

foxy franchise - maria stephanos

the girl with the curious hand - gail huff

the golden girls - the anchors at newscenter5 (ed harding included)

the missing moustache - dan hausle

to "ridley" the script - to roll up one's script into a tube and make a jerking off motion with it.

Team Blond- Anne Allread and Dylan Dryer

the third banana - mike dowling

wrong way randy - randy price

young skywalker - heather unruh