Thursday, November 12, 2009

Really Anchorman?

Hank Phillippi Ryan?  How many is a few?  And would these few be 70 or 80 ounces?

Have you seen her promo? The one where she is walking full of determination at the camera?  She walks like it hurts. And her name is Hank. Hank!  Say out loud the words " Yeah, I'd bang Hank." and tell me how that feels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hank has a bit of a sharon mitchell thing going on - not that that's a good thing.

which wu?

Anchor Slang

Danger Cooper- Steve Cooper WHDH Channel 7

Nana Cook- Alice Cook WBZ Channel 4

Cupcake - Nicole Oliverio WHDH Channel 7

fine filipino - frances rivera

foxy franchise - maria stephanos

the girl with the curious hand - gail huff

the golden girls - the anchors at newscenter5 (ed harding included)

the missing moustache - dan hausle

to "ridley" the script - to roll up one's script into a tube and make a jerking off motion with it.

Team Blond- Anne Allread and Dylan Dryer

the third banana - mike dowling

wrong way randy - randy price

young skywalker - heather unruh