Monday, December 28, 2009

A fastball right down the middle.

WBZ Channel 4 sports reporter Steve Burton "questions" during the Patriots Post Game press conferences are the worst ever asked by a grown up.

Steve Burton to Tom Brady- "So Tom great great day today. When did you know you were on?"  Idiot.

Steve Button to Wes Welker- Wes you are just totally awesome in every way. Would you sign my Trapper Keeper?

OK well the second one didn't happen - but Steve is terrible. Most guys in a sports press conference have one goal. To ask a question that will make themselves look smarter than everyone else in the room. I don't know what Steve is doing. If I wanted to see Tom Brady hit soft balls, I would ask him to join my softball team.

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which wu?

Anchor Slang

Danger Cooper- Steve Cooper WHDH Channel 7

Nana Cook- Alice Cook WBZ Channel 4

Cupcake - Nicole Oliverio WHDH Channel 7

fine filipino - frances rivera

foxy franchise - maria stephanos

the girl with the curious hand - gail huff

the golden girls - the anchors at newscenter5 (ed harding included)

the missing moustache - dan hausle

to "ridley" the script - to roll up one's script into a tube and make a jerking off motion with it.

Team Blond- Anne Allread and Dylan Dryer

the third banana - mike dowling

wrong way randy - randy price

young skywalker - heather unruh